Saturday, April 12, 2008

Young and old

We have all kinds of bunnies at the shelter, from little babies to elderly rabbits.

Meet some of our youngest residents:

These little sweeties are about 2 months old. I don't know what has their attention in the photo, but they're listening intently to something!

Here's our oldest resident:

Sawyer (the white bunny) is about 9 years old, which is getting up there. He's not so spry, has aches and pains, but he eats well and is very happy with his devoted partner, Missy, who takes good care of him. The two of them get "playtime" outside every day lately, so Sawyer can stretch his stiff joints and enjoy the sunshine. As you can see in the photo, he spends most of his playtime enjoying the weather and catching some Z's. (He does like munching on the green stuff, though.)

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