Friday, July 25, 2008

Ridiculously cute

One of the fringe benefits of working at the shelter six days a week is being among the first to see the new arrivals. Today, we were surprised to see a little of Harlequin bunnies who are only FOUR WEEKS OLD! Oh. My. Word. It is hard to get any work done with these furry little distractions around.

My new baby

Apparently this little sweetie was seized by the authorities due to abuse or neglect. Unbelievable! He's just a doll, as you can see.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Poor baby!

This is Snowball. She's one of the most neglected bunnies we've had lately. Her beautiful English Angora fur was a mess! It didn't look like anyone's ever brushed her. She was 2/3 mats and 1/3 bald! I spent 45 minutes on Monday, and another 45 minutes on Tuesday, grooming her, and I'm still not done. Of course, a lot of the mats needed to be cut off. Her nails are so long, they are growing in a weird shape!

She is really nice, though. I think she'll get adopted eventually.

They're getting so big!

The three baby boys are getting so big! This is Presto, the ringleader, trying to look innocent. They eat a lot, play a lot, and sleep a lot. Looks like they will be nice big bunnies. I am getting a little worried that none of them has been adopted yet; there is a prejudice against white bunnies, and I was hoping their babyish cuteness would counteract that. Not so far. It's the red eyes, believe it or not.